Monday 5 January 2015

2015 work challenges

Today is my first day of work for 2015. I did not expect the whirlwind of challenges that I will face today. In retrospect not all are new information, just that I did not expect them to culminate all at the same time.

First I had a resignation from a senior direct report first thing in the morning. Not that it is not unexpected, she has been looking for a while.

Then I had a planned resignation letter from another senior direct report.

Both are leaving around the same time. The leaving is not a problem, it is the fact that both are leaving around the same time that is the challenge.

And last, at least for now till lunch time, is that I learnt there is really no choice but to take over a new role and new group of direct reports. And this is also happening around the same time!

At first I got a little panicky. Now I see these as challenges that I am motivated to overcome. It's an opportunity to strengthen and renew the team. It's an opportunity for me to grow some new skills, despite it being a lot of operational work which is not savvy and not something I like. But my boss has to take it, and coming from his viewpoint, I will take it  up since it is the most logical place for it to reside.

Ok so 2015 you really did not spare any mercy right from the start! I will take you on!

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